Flowing out of our shared faith is our value of nurturing the abiding relationships among all who call Transfiguration “home.” While some folks grew up coming to this parish in the summers or were raised in the Saluda mountains or discovered this community in their travels and later moved to the area, most folks discover this congregation becomes a family of support and love. We offer a variety of fellowship gatherings throughout the year and invite you to join us in these important ministries: |
Coffee HourAlmost every Sunday following both worship services we offer light refreshment and a brief time to connect with one another.
Fellowship EventsThroughout the year we welcome all to participate in fun events like our annual Children's Christmas Party with Santa, the Annual Christmas Gala and Sing-along, Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper and our Annual Parish Picnic.
Monthly BreakfastOn the first Sunday of every month at 9 a.m. we offer breakfast for the whole church community, members and guests alike. Please contact Maria McCall for more information or to join our breakfast teams.
Special ReceptionsOur family of faith gathers together to celebrate significant moments in the lives of our parishioners, e.g., funerals, Confirmation, welcomes and farewells. For more information or to join our Parish Life Team which oversees these special receptions, please contact Betty Wilkerson.