"They are to do good, to be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share, thus storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of the life that really is life."
1 Timothy 6: 18-19
Dear Members and Friends of the Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration,
This past year, our community has faced challenges that none of us could have predicted. After the departure of your rector in the spring, I was fortunately called to be your Priest-in-Charge. Six weeks after my arrival, hurricane Helene inflicted catastrophic damage on our region. Yet, through these trials, something remarkable has emerged: resilience, solidarity, and a deepened sense of our calling as a church. Our mission to be the hands and feet of Christ in Saluda has never been clearer.
In this time of recovery, we are reminded that the church is more than a building—it is a living body, strengthened by the generosity, love, and faith of each member. The work ahead of us, as we serve our neighbors and rebuild together, requires a strong, united church. That is why I am writing to you today, as we begin our annual stewardship campaign, A Journey in Generosity.
This year's theme invites us all to reflect on the ways in which God calls us to be generous with our resources, our time, and our talents. The emphasis on journey calls us to recognize that stewardship is not just a one-time act of donating or pledging, but a commitment of action and intention for the years ahead.
One of the exciting opportunities before us is the hiring of a new organist and choirmaster. Richard and Julianna Winchell have created a strong foundation of musical excellence in our church, and it is our duty to build on that foundation. This investment in music will enhance our shared worship experience and strengthen the life of our congregation. To make this investment possible, we will need to increase our budget this year, and we are asking each household to prayerfully consider raising their pledge by five percent or more if you are able.
This is a significant moment in the life of our church; a season of transition. As we journey forward, let us do so with open hearts and hands, trusting that God will provide abundantly for the work He has given us. Your generosity has always made a difference, and this year, it is needed more than ever.
In faith and gratitude,
The Rev. Will Bryant,