The Endowment Fund was created to provide a distinct source of monies, apart from our annual operating budget, for the upkeep and preservation of our historic Church. The money generated by the principal of the Fund is available to be spent on Church structures, but is limited to specific amounts in any calendar year, and is always subject to Vestry oversight.
Since 2013, the Trustees have been placing most of the Fund resources with The Episcopal Church Fund (ECF), which is operated by professional money managers for the National Church. This pooled fund offers us large scale money management and a broader group of investment options. So far, it has delivered quite favorable yields.
Because resources of this Fund are not available to the general operating budget of the Church, contributions to this Fund should not be considered part of a Parishioner’s annual pledge considerations.
If you are interested in donating to this critical resource for Transfiguration, please send an email using the "donate" button below and putting "Endowment Fund" in the subject line. A trustee of the Endowment will get back to you to discuss your request.
The Legacy Society of 1891 recognizes those who commit to provide a gift to the Endowment in their will, which is a wonderful opportunity for us to preserve the legacy of one another and for God for all of our many blessings.